
30 Days of Colour Challenge: Day 9 - Brown

By Nesita - April 09, 2015

Hi again!
The chosen colour for the challenge today is brown and I'm pretty darn excited about the one I'm swatching. Wanna know which one it is? Please keep reading!

 My awesome friend Katherine sent me this beauty (amongst many other ones!) in one of our nail polish exchanges. I remember seeing swatches of these in other blogs and wishing we had Revlon here so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw she had sent me one of them.

It's Revlon's Autumn Spice from their Parfumerie line! Autumn Spice has a warm brown base with loads of gold, copper and red/pink micro glitter that, in the bottle, makes it looks as it's gonna be a duochrome. It has a sweet scent, like cinammon, which makes the name rather appropriate in my opinion haha
Revlon says that it has a light scent that last all day but you get a not-so-subtle smell anytime that you move your hands near your head and it lasts for a few days. I personally love it but people sensitive to scents might not be able to wear it.

This was two coats, not top coat and as you can see it covers really well and it has a really shiny finish. I like to take pictures of my polishes in natural light but I really couldn't capture it gorgeous-ness in it so here you have some pictures with flash. Do you see how pretty it is? Love it.

You can have a look at the other fills for the day below:

And at the full list to see what's coming up next:

Have you tried any of Revlon's scented nail polishes? And if so, do you like them or do you dislike the scent? Please let me know in the comments!

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  1. I have this polish. It looks so pretty with flash.

    1. It really does! And it looks much prettier in person, my photos don't make it justice.
