
30 Days of Colour Challenge: Day 1 - Blue

By Nesita - April 01, 2015

Long time no see!
Today I'm starting my very first nail polish challenge called '30 Days of Colour', hosted by my lovely friend Katherine from Procrastinails! I've never participated in one and since this is a pretty relaxed one and you can do as many fills as you want, I thought it would be a great one to start with (and try to stick to!).

But enough with the rambling! The first theme is blue and I only own one blue nail polish so there wasn't much of a choice here haha So here it is:

(Excuse the messy application and photo quality, I'm clearly out of practise!)
It's an old Essence nail polish whose name is nowhere to be seen, sorry about that! But it's a metallic medium blue that covers nicely in one coat, though I did two just in case, and as you can see it's a bit brush strokey even with a base coat under.

You can have a look at some of the other fills for today's theme:

And that's all for this first day! Here's the the list in case you wanna check it out and come back tomorrow to see the next fill :)

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  1. Lovely! This is a very deep and vibrant blue. I bet it would be awesome for stamping! :)

    1. I was sooo afraid this would stain my nails, I didn't even think about using it for stamping haha I should get some cool plates because stamping is the only kind of nail art that I can sort of make it look semi-decent lol

  2. Such a pretty blue! I agree with Katherine, it probably stamps amazingly!
