
30 Days of Colour Challenge: Day 7 - Orange

By Nesita - April 07, 2015

We've reached the end of the first week of the challenge! For most people this probably doesn't feel like an accomplishment but for someone who's not used to doing challenges and much less post everyday, I'm kinda proud that I'm sticking to it. Hopefully I'll make it to the end of the month!

The fill for today is orange and yes, I used yet another Deliplús nail polish. You guys must be tired of me using the same brand but I do really like them, they have a great formula and they are cheap. What more can you ask for? Haha

This is number 208 and it's again from one of their limited editions a few summers ago. It's a really bright orange creme with great coverage and super shiny. This is three coats without top coat, but two would've been enough. It looks a bit odd on me right now but on summer with a "tan" (not that I tan all that much lol) it looks much better. The only thing I don't like about it is that it stains my nails, even with a base coat. Small price to pay for such a bright and fun colour, I suppose.

Please have a look at the other entries below!

And to see what's next for this challenge:

What do you think about bright, almost neon oranges? Do you like them or prefer more muted colours?
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Nice and bright, that's how I like my orange too :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes! Can't wait 'til my hands are a bit tanner so I can rock this colour x
