
30 Days of Colour Challenge: Day 15 - Glitter

By Nesita - April 15, 2015

Hey hey!

Toay's day 15 of the 30 Days of Colour Challenge, we've made it halfway through it already, woop woop! The prompt for today is glitter and I'm bringing you a glitter bomb. Wanna see what it looks like? Keep reading!

This is Essence 06 The Awesome, from their Superheroes collection last year, I think. They describe it as having 'multicolor flakes' which I don't know about that, Essence, these do not look like flakes to me. It has a pink/purple jelly base (which I could've used it for the jelly prompt had I thought about it *sigh*) with LOADS of big, multicolored hex glitter and smaller silver and orange round glitter.

This was too coats and, as you can see, it's not completely opaque but I kinda like it that way. This one also tends to 'bunch up' in places so you gotta be careful when spreading it. It could've looked a bit more uniform had I tried to place the glitter but I personally like the randomness of where the bits of glitter end without messing with it.

Check out the other entries below!

And that's me for today! To be honest I find this one looks a bit...tacky but I love it at the same time. How's that even possible?! Haha Let me know if you like it as well and thanks for reading!

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