
Tag: lip product addict

By Nesita - December 28, 2018

Lip products are without a doubt my favourite part of make up so I thought I'd do a fun little tag about them, hope you enjoy!

1. Favourite balm/treatment?

I never hear anyone talking about it but the Neutrogena Lip and Nose Repair Balm is hands down the best one I've tried. It feels amazing if you have really dry/cracked lips, it's very lightweight so you can barely feel it on but it really works to heal them. It also has a very pleasant but faint sweet scent (and taste!) which is always a plus for me.

2. Best eye-catching red?

Sephora Cream Lip Stain in Always Red is one of my absolute favourites I always rave about. Beautiful colour that suits everyone, comfortable formula and a sweet scent makes this a winner for me.

3. Best luxury & best drugstore?

I haven't actually tried any luxury lipsticks so I can't comment on that but for drugstore at the moment I'd have to say Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink, the most long-lasting lipstick I've tried so far.

4. Best MAC lipstick?

Although it doesn't have best formula, I have to go with Ruby Woo. I adore both the colour and the finish, so it's worth all the baby-ing it needs.

5. The most disappointing?

And oldie for this one but Wet n Wild's w Megaslick Balm Stain in Lady and the Vamp was a big disappointment for me. Everyone raved about these and for me this is patchy mess in an unflattering colour.

6. Liner - yes or no?

Yes if I have the time to spend on it, but I don't find it a necessity.

7. Best gloss?

Not a fan of glosses so I never really buy any :x

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