
Blog Your Heart Out Award Nomination

By Nesita - August 27, 2013

My lovely friend Kathetine from ProcrastiNails (love the name of her blog haha) nominated me for the Blog Your Heart Out Award so that's what I'm gonna do today!

Mi amiga Katherine me propuso para el Blog Your Heart Out Award así que eso va a ser el post de hoy.

The way this award works is you are given 5 questions to answer, and then you have to nominate 5 other blogs you follow that have less that 100 followers. It's a way to help new bloggers get new followers, and to share blogs that really inspire you that others might not know about.

Esto funciona así: te dan 5 preguntas que tienes que contestar y tú luego propones otros 5 blogs que tengan menos de 100 seguidores. Es una forma de ayudar a 'blogger@s' noveles a conseguir más seguidores y a compartir blogs que te inspiran y que puede que no conozca mucha gente.

1. What/who encouraged you to start blogging? I had been thinking about starting a blog for a while because I loved the idea of sharing something I'm passionate about but it was my friend Fany who encouraged me to finally take the plunge and start doing it =)
2. How did you chose what topic(s) to blog about? It had to be something that I really enjoy doing and doing doing my make up is my one and only creative outlet (in my way, not that I'm very creative).
3. What is something that most people don't know about you? I loathe fish and seafood. I don't eat it and I can't even stand the smell of it.
4. What three words describe your style? Casual, simple, neutral.
5. What do you like to do when you are not blogging? I love baking any kind of dessert, enjoying a glass of white wine on a terrace with a good company and hanging out with my cat like the crazy cat lady that I am haha

1. ¿Qué/quién te animó a empezar tu blog? Hacía tiempo que tenía pensado empezar un blog porqué me gustaba la idea de compartir algo que hago que me apasiona pero no me decidía a hacerlo. Fué mi amiga Fany (¡Hola! Sé que vas a leer esto tarde o temprano =P) la que me dió el empujón que necesitaba para hacerlo =)
2. ¿Cómo escogiste sobre qué escribir? Tenía que ser algo que disfrutase haciendo y el maquillaje para mí es una (la única) forma de expresar mi creatividad.
3. ¿Algo que la mayoría de gente no sepa sobre ti? Odio el pescado y el marisco. Ni siquiera soporto el olor.
4. ¿Qué tres palabras describen mejor tu estilo? Informal, simple, neutro.
5. ¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando no estás "bloggeando"? Me encanta la repostería, tomar un vaso de vino blanco en una terracita y con buena compañía y jugar con mi gata, a la cual adoro jaja

Now I don't think I follow any blogs with less than 100 followers so I'm just gonna link a few blogs that I enjoy reading!

Creo que no sigo ningún blog que tenga menos de 100 seguidores así que voy a dejar las direcciones de algunos blogs que me gusta leer.

That's all for today, see you soon!

Y esto es todo por hoy, ¡hasta pronto!

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  1. I also hate fish and seafood! *puke face*

    I like that this is bilingual, and I like how you formatted it in different colours! (Even though I imagine it took some time to do it in both languages... I think it was worth it!)

    1. Really? *high five* Everyone looks at me like I'm mental when I tell them I don't eat those lol

      Thanks for the feedback! I think I'm gonna start writing them in both. I actually don't mind it taking more time but I just never know if I should do a literal, word for word translation or go with the flow and write something different haha

    2. ME TOO! My family loves seafood. lol.

      I think either is fine when it comes to doing things in both languages... I like to know what the Spanish side is saying, but if you said something different in the English section anyway I'd never know! :)
